الرضا الوظيفي لدى العاملين بقطاع الصحة في مدينة مصراتة


  • أ.حواء أبوبكر بالحاج Author


The study focuses on job satisfaction among healthcare workers in Misurata. Its objective was to assess job satisfaction among nursing professionals in both the public and private sectors. The study employed a descriptive-analytical approach, which was deemed suitable for its purposes, and utilized a questionnaire as the primary data collection tool. The study population included nursing professionals in both sectors, though no official statistics exist regarding the exact number of workers in this field. Consequently, a non-random sample was chosen, consisting of 80 participants from this sector.

The study yielded several key findings, including the following: the level of job satisfaction regarding working conditions among healthcare workers in Misrata was high; the level of satisfaction with salaries was moderate; and the level of satisfaction with colleagues was also high. However, there was no job satisfaction reported concerning management or recognition and appreciation within the healthcare sector in Misrata.

Based on these findings, the study recommended fostering positive personal and professional relationships with management, improving the promotion system for healthcare workers, and employing competent and qualified supervisors for the sector.


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